Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, June 2, 2006

my 3rd blog...

well... the reason for mi startin blog again n again is cuz i ALWAYS FORGET MY USERNAME!! n i hv been tryin for like 30min, then i realized I wld nv be able to recall wat it was and started this blog again... Another reason was my fuckin laptop went die AGAIN!! n most imptly, i hv nth to do now... wif no more studyin, no more job and waiting for my day to come, i decide y dun i hv a blog again... n at least hopefully sum1 will come n read this... erm... tts all rite now i guess... Guess wat life is always a road of learning tt nv ends... u simply had to learn every single bit of stuff... relations to studies even to an extend tt u hv to learn the walk to EAT N SLP!! this is so crap...