Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, February 14, 2008

feel kind of heavy...

Well... today is v day, and i spent it on camp and home only... LOL!! Actually i find its ok, as personally i dun reali like v day as well thou... ya lor! but juz had this tots and feelin tt wat hv i actually been doing during my past NS life.

I feel so empty rite now. i feel like i am juz like a normal person. i hv lost tt i am special feelin in me. well, i guess when u reali look and deal with so mani sort of ppl, u will actually be sick of wats special. Anyway i always like to be normal, but normal in a way tt i noe i am hv my own believe and thinkin. but rite nw, i onli feel that i dun hv my own mind set anymore. i am sick n tired of bein the one who made so mani decision. i am sick of responsibility. i am sick of wakin up every mornnin noein tt i nid to make sumthing happen out of nth. i am reali sick of bein a leader. i juz wan to be a follower, i naggy person, sum1 tt can so openly express himself and feel so free and relax. those were the days back then... :)