Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What a weekend!!

Haha... my weekend was a long and tiring 1... I had to run to east point and sing!! lol... to be freak, it reali scare the living shit out of me!! Nv did i realised that i am so small, so useless.

Reali!! I was singing there, and i cant do a single thing to help meself out of problem except to sing properly. I feel veri helpless, so weak. I reali hv nth to do but to sing out on the stage. I cant control the loudness, i cant control the crowd i cant do a single shit thing i wan!!

So aft my 1st bad bad bad experiance, i decided to make some changes, and guess what, i cock up again!! lol... It was reali damn shitty, but fun!!

It was the 1st time i feel so BRIGHT!! i had everyones eyes in a shopping mall!! how cool can tt be?? lol... it was reali reali fun!!

But now i hv to get back to my green life, and be a bastard!! I simply hate being green. I HATE GREEN!!