Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A new laptop!

Hoho!! gt a new acer laptop!! haha.. nowadays i reali dun care abt brand anymore, as long as its good = MINE!! well this laptop come wif HD 14.1" screen, 4G Ram and 2.56Ghz core 2 dual. I feel i spent a bit too much u noe.

As in i have a Quat-core CPU at home with an 24" screen + cutting edge graphics card and processor alreadi. Still i am not statified but to get such an high end laptop again. Haiz... IF onli i were to get my laptop in the 1st place instead of the cutting edge technology CPU i wld feel so much better. Now i am hving 5k less coz of wat i spent. ITS ALL MY MONEY!! HEART PAIN>>>