2day had joined some hall activities. Join kind of too much, i had snooker at first, then badmiton and guess wats next? CHEER LEADING!!
Haha... kind of fun! been too bz with sch work, its like working arnd the clock!! Tml can finally spare sometime with Jude to discuss on my singing or "be a star". Well the semi is on 2nd SPE for me? And i hv no idea wats going to happen next?
Kind of feeling weird now, as in things had been happening so fast now. And i really wish to go into genting. Well, its always the case that when i really wish something can happen, it will go the oth way. Guess it will be diff this time rnd.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A weird time a weird world.
Salvador Dalí: Disintegration of Persistence

The orginal picture of the clock melting i personall think is the Disintegration of Persistence, by Salvador Dalí which is an spanish.
I'm nt trying to act veri knowledgible, but when i look at things nw. All the stuff tt i do seems like the 2nd picture of melting clock. It seems tt i am living in a life tt i hv lots of time, as there is no ending in a clock. It juz goes rnd n rnd. But this freedom of time is melting away, i can no longer see myself planning any thing else using the "clock".
All the times i used to hv r like fading away. Fading into a veri blury world, a world tt every things seems to melt. Including urself, melting into this world of endless unknown world.
U can see the world n urself melting into this unknown world, but u juz cant help it but see it melt away...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
When i c xin guan 3 i reali hv some tears in my eyes. Althou i noe it feels a bit gay, but i do feel something tt reali coz me to feel so touched, and yet feel so bad when i c the performing. This is 1 of them. I hv no idea y, but sometimes i juz dun noe wat to do. Like its 3.40am now, i hv no idea wat i wan to do rite now.
I always tell ppl tt i dun noe wat voice i had, i reali hv no idea. I dun noe who i am when i sing, i dun wat i wan to be when i am singing, i hv no idea wat i am doing when i am singing. I feel so confussed, n i reali hv no time left for me to keep changing and keep learning more.
Sometimes there r 2 things tt r equally good, or there is even more tt u reali hv no idea wat to choose. Wat suits u, wat belongs to u.
I wan to be myself, i always wan to sing a song tt belongs to me. I always wan to sing songs tt has a version of my very own. But rite now, i am lost. I hv no idea hw i shld sound like anymore, i hv no idea wats the meaning of my very own version of song. I hv no idea of everything.
I always tell ppl tt i dun noe wat voice i had, i reali hv no idea. I dun noe who i am when i sing, i dun wat i wan to be when i am singing, i hv no idea wat i am doing when i am singing. I feel so confussed, n i reali hv no time left for me to keep changing and keep learning more.
Sometimes there r 2 things tt r equally good, or there is even more tt u reali hv no idea wat to choose. Wat suits u, wat belongs to u.
I wan to be myself, i always wan to sing a song tt belongs to me. I always wan to sing songs tt has a version of my very own. But rite now, i am lost. I hv no idea hw i shld sound like anymore, i hv no idea wats the meaning of my very own version of song. I hv no idea of everything.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My sch = hell + liar

Nv in my life had i studied so much and i still feel so 2pid!!
I am seroius!! In the past i will studied and noe all the things, but now i study all the notes n i still noe nuts!!!
The style is like they teach u 70% on how to work a thing out, but the remaining 30% they DUN TEACH!!! i reali wan to &^%#^*&(() them up!! I PAID SO MUCH N THIS IS THE STANDARD I GET??
Reali damn fusrated!! I nid to think so much to solve something!! Go google, go wikipedia. Then wats the used of me buying so MANY NOTES!! WHEN THE NOTES DUN EVEN HELP!!!!
No onli the place i live in cheats my money, the uni tt i goes in does the samething!! EVERYWHERE I GO PPL ALSO WAN TO CHEAT MONEY!!! CHEATERS!!! LIARS!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
who am i?
Hv u all ever has this feeling tt u r lost, and u r so mixed up tt u simply hv no idea who u r? or wat u wan to do?
Do u ever qns urself on wat do u reali wan? and how much can u reali make it happen?
R u some1 tt will face reality or live in ur fantasy? Can fantasy reali become reality?
Althou i always do things wif a mentality that things happen for a reason, and u hv to hold on to every reason in ur life, ur stlye, ur very own life of ur very individual. Coz everyone is special in their very own ways.
So what do u think? By thinkin so, r u reali living a life of ur very own? A life of no one pinning hope on u, a life tt no one is looking up on u. A life tt is untainted by anyone, a life tt u r actually for once living for ur ownself. It does sound selfish, but doesn't a individual life belongs to oneself?
If u were to look arnd u, how mani ppl r actually doing things of their dreams, ideas, hopes? Ppl r merely doing things becoz they r being forced by socialty to do so.
Imagine tt we are living in africa do u think we will be going to any shopping malls to buy cloths? Do u think we will be discussing shld we buy nike or addidas? Do u think we will be talking abt soccer, olymics?
Tts is a life of an very individual in my eyes, a life tt is untatinted by socialty, by hopes of millions, tt is a "pure" life.
But once again i am glad tt i hv a PC in my air-con room. Rather then trees and flies arnd me. lol. Life is juz so irony, n we can onli say its hopes of millions tt brings us to who we r now. Hopes of our fore-fathers, hopes of millions of ppl tt hv lost their lifes to protect the small island tt we hv. For all these hopes, and the socialty we shall once again dip our heads into this endless hole...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
the light in halls...
I am starting to c some lights by stayin in halls...
Lol... Was sort of fun today, had a soccer match wif the hall ppl and got 2nd place. Haha, old man still can play OK!!
But juz nid to tune in back to my usual life. Still hv some greeness in me, tryin my best to juz forget and for go such a color. YUCKS!! now i noe y i hate ppl believing in green, esp on every day of a week i dun mean i hate tt day but, infact i love tt day! Coz it always represent FUN when u r working. ya i juz hate things tt is associated wif green, including them. PEACE!!
My suggestion, y dun change ur color? Even singapore believe in our color! Red packets any1?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mixed feelings
I am hving mixed feelings nw. U noe sumtimes when ppl of tt u think is good hv high hopes on u, esply when their r willing to gv in their times and effort juz for u. U will feel so hw too blessed.
But at the same time, u feel weird. As in u will hv stress plus excitments, which is kind of funni sort of feelings. Nw i feel like i am in a grp competition, onli tt i nid to show or perform alone, but its sort of a team effort. Althou things hv nt started yet, but i juz feel tt i am too blessed wif such a gd chance. And i reali dun think tt i shld deserve it, coz nv in life had i had such a gd deal happen.
Mixed up + stress + lost + confuss is nt goin to get me anywhere. I juz nid time to sort out issues.
Rite nw, my 5 yrs plan had to make some changes, n this is nt wat i had in mind. All the best Chun An.
But at the same time, u feel weird. As in u will hv stress plus excitments, which is kind of funni sort of feelings. Nw i feel like i am in a grp competition, onli tt i nid to show or perform alone, but its sort of a team effort. Althou things hv nt started yet, but i juz feel tt i am too blessed wif such a gd chance. And i reali dun think tt i shld deserve it, coz nv in life had i had such a gd deal happen.
Mixed up + stress + lost + confuss is nt goin to get me anywhere. I juz nid time to sort out issues.
Rite nw, my 5 yrs plan had to make some changes, n this is nt wat i had in mind. All the best Chun An.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
journey to the center of the earth

Thumbs up and tons of laughter!!
Reali had a good laught, infact its my 1st laughter this week. Its such a nice thing to reali relax and had a good laught. keke~~ like this feeling.. Go and catch this movie and relax ur mind, let ur imagination run wild wif this cute and fairy tale like comedy!!
Suddenly i think of "Y SO SERIOUS?"

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Does faith show us our paths?
Sometimes i reali wonder does faith reali show us our paths?
Welcome to Beijiing:
Guess i no nid to futhur explain it i guess, is faith telling me to stop my course? Is faith telling me that this is not meant for me? I hv no ans but to follow the singapore system faith, r u showing me some other signs?
Ulcer at this moment:
I woke up this mornning feeling some pain in my throat, and when i see the mirrow, i saw some white spot on my throat. ITS AN ULCER!! Guess i am not faithed to go into the next rnd of my "be a star". The contest is on the coming tue, and rite now i hv this ulcer GROWING on my throat. LOL worst of all, mr smart alex me pick a high key song. FAITH is reali aginst me rite now i guess. Or shld i follow wat faith is telling me? and juz walk over my day??
SMS received:
Receive 1 sms to change location for my contest. Shld i change the idea of going for it too? Faith is indeed telling me something i guess. Its all up to me or faith now. The battle had began...
Welcome to Beijiing:
Guess i no nid to futhur explain it i guess, is faith telling me to stop my course? Is faith telling me that this is not meant for me? I hv no ans but to follow the singapore system faith, r u showing me some other signs?
Ulcer at this moment:
I woke up this mornning feeling some pain in my throat, and when i see the mirrow, i saw some white spot on my throat. ITS AN ULCER!! Guess i am not faithed to go into the next rnd of my "be a star". The contest is on the coming tue, and rite now i hv this ulcer GROWING on my throat. LOL worst of all, mr smart alex me pick a high key song. FAITH is reali aginst me rite now i guess. Or shld i follow wat faith is telling me? and juz walk over my day??
SMS received:
Receive 1 sms to change location for my contest. Shld i change the idea of going for it too? Faith is indeed telling me something i guess. Its all up to me or faith now. The battle had began...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Notes Notes Notes...
Bought my 1st set of notes for today, n it actually can cost up to $23!! Its reali WTF, as it what the fresh set of notes it is... lol!! Then when back home to get other stuff like fans and printers. Luckly gt Spiderman my friendly neighbourhood hero to help out on my transport, althou i hv to pay, but was reali thankful. By the end of the days, i guess i had to showcase my $23 worth of notes. So as to make the notes more useful.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mr Hall 10.
Ladies, gentleman and children of all ages...
Let me introduce u to hall 10's desk. tata!!
Tts my desk, my new laptop, my albums, my speakers and my PSP!! lol... and tts abt all as of now. There will be more books, papers and red mark test papers to come... lol... hope to c some flying colors on some papers as well. and tts abt all of today. cya next time!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Shld be there..
Beijing Olymics...

Welcome to Beijing Olymics 2008!! This is the msg when i went for the 1st lesson!! Cool uh... Look at them!! Its so... so... "CUTE"
I simply LOVE my course and cant WAIT for wats going to happen next!! Guess wat, i think i am hearing timberlake singing "i'm loving it" yes u r nt see things, pls dun see "i'm loving it" to "cry me a river" coz i do not mean it tt way.
The mascots, they r juz so.... KIIIIIIIII U TE.
P.S. I mean cute, if u pronouce it rite not KILL :)
Monday, August 4, 2008
inSomia... Again..
Pls... i reali wish to slp... Sch starts 2day, and its 6am and i am still unable to slp... Sometimes its reali frasrating. Sometimes u wish to slp, but u cant. And some times u wish tt u can be more awake but u r slpy. Things juz not goin rite for me. Poor poor me.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Feeling kind of uncertain abt my life. I hv no idea wat will happen and hw i will deal wif my life in the next 4 yrs.
I always like to say that i always planned my life 5 yrs ahead, but even thou i am still within my plan. But i still feel uncertain abt things. Like uni, i had lots n lots of admin problems, n deal to all these admin issues i hv no confident in myself. I feel like i am like an unwanted ball that is being thrown arnd. U noe tt feeling that ppl asked u to wait and they sort out the issue? i noe its the leasp in the admin. But the sight of it is juz so frasrating for me.
No matter wat happen, i still had to sticked wif my nxt 5 yrs plan. I simply hate this socialty. This socialty that demands paper achievements, but i cant help but to accept it. I am juz a useless junk, that cant do anything but to accept this faith.
Friday, August 1, 2008
i wan car!!
I wan a car to drive now!! and i will rent 1 pretty soon... coz i gt a hall in NTU!!
lol... rite now i am checkin wherther hall 14 is a gd place to stay in. If it is... hehe... CAR AND HALL I AM CAMING!!!
lol... rite now i am checkin wherther hall 14 is a gd place to stay in. If it is... hehe... CAR AND HALL I AM CAMING!!!
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