Nv in my life had i studied so much and i still feel so 2pid!!
I am seroius!! In the past i will studied and noe all the things, but now i study all the notes n i still noe nuts!!!
The style is like they teach u 70% on how to work a thing out, but the remaining 30% they DUN TEACH!!! i reali wan to &^%#^*&(() them up!! I PAID SO MUCH N THIS IS THE STANDARD I GET??
Reali damn fusrated!! I nid to think so much to solve something!! Go google, go wikipedia. Then wats the used of me buying so MANY NOTES!! WHEN THE NOTES DUN EVEN HELP!!!!
No onli the place i live in cheats my money, the uni tt i goes in does the samething!! EVERYWHERE I GO PPL ALSO WAN TO CHEAT MONEY!!! CHEATERS!!! LIARS!!!
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