Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

calculator week = cocker-na-den week

Look up there. This is how ur calculator shld look like inside. i spend around 124hrs thinking how to do it. This sch is simply sick!! Rite now, i grave for outings, grave for toking cock, grave for walking in the streets, grave for fun. :(

Still aft spending so much time, my calculator is still not complete. But i simply gv up this calculator for the time being. Now i need to go back to study my other modules. lol!! sch is simply sick. How i wish i can be a person who simply dun care abt studies, who can skip sch n skip all the works. Y am i always tt guy tt hate to lose? hate to admin tt i am 2pid.

N guess by the hate for being stupid juz made me stupid, and made me a geek. LOL. but i do love being a geek!! GEEK = gd person. no lust for money, no lust for power, no lust but knowledge. GEEKY = GOOD. tts y its all starting wif 'G'. G-man. GeekyMan...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


well, its another insomnia nite. So i decide to blog. N this fellow here is me! Its a very random pic that i took and wanted to put as my DP. but guess my nose is too big currently. So decided not to. LOL. Tts all. Juz being random

Monday, February 9, 2009

Nan's study table DISCLOSED

I missed my dear table at home. My coffee is always free, my air-con is always ready, my ultra-man will always encourage me. lol! sounds gay uh~ but wif a mind tt u simply hate study, tt 2pid ultra-man will suddenly transformed into an angle tt encourages u to study. espcially when exams are near. Last but no least, my kinky red spec!! bought it for so long, but nv wear it out be4. lol. no guts to do tt, guess next party i will be goin there n be Mr. Kinky~

Well, last week was a torture as i need to hand in projects. This week too is another project hell week. N guess wat, by the time i realized tt i've finish my project, i hv no idea wats my lecture note is telling me!