Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, February 26, 2009

calculator week = cocker-na-den week

Look up there. This is how ur calculator shld look like inside. i spend around 124hrs thinking how to do it. This sch is simply sick!! Rite now, i grave for outings, grave for toking cock, grave for walking in the streets, grave for fun. :(

Still aft spending so much time, my calculator is still not complete. But i simply gv up this calculator for the time being. Now i need to go back to study my other modules. lol!! sch is simply sick. How i wish i can be a person who simply dun care abt studies, who can skip sch n skip all the works. Y am i always tt guy tt hate to lose? hate to admin tt i am 2pid.

N guess by the hate for being stupid juz made me stupid, and made me a geek. LOL. but i do love being a geek!! GEEK = gd person. no lust for money, no lust for power, no lust but knowledge. GEEKY = GOOD. tts y its all starting wif 'G'. G-man. GeekyMan...