But there are some people claims that it marks the end of the world. For example, the Maryann calendar "mexica sun stone or Aztec " is the origin of the end of the world at 2012 dec 12. As the calendar ends on that particular date.
Mayan is one of the earliest civilization in the world(around 2000BC - 250AD ), it is situated in Mexico. Record says that it is a strong civilization, but suddenly disappear. There was no reason/record that why they disappear. Their knowledge in astronomy was so advance that they have calculated that the lineament of the sun, earth and center of galaxy 3000years ago! While our technology only allow us to know of this date just a few years ago.
In the Aztec calendar, has an inter lock of lunar, solar and planetary calendar. "ku na ku" is what they call it as end of world. That the world will end and restore for 5 times. It is believe that 2012 will be the 5th time that this world will end and restore itself. But do take note, like what we see in an calendar, it always end on dec 31 every year. So similarly the Aztec says that it ends on 2012 dec 12, always means that the calendar restarts again. And no necessary means the end as in doomsday.
Just for you to know, do leave some notes on what you think about it. But please, this are still future which no one will knows about it. Please don't draw a firm line based on what you see, and not yet happen :)
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