Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

long long time ago...

Someone once told me that to love a person, you need to love yourself first. And now I am in love with myself. Loving the way I speak, I interact and look. It really gives me the confidants that boost the guys ego you know.

But right now there is another person that tells me that I love myself too much. Love its just like a glass of half filled water, where someone can say it is "half filled" or some can say its "half empty" it only depends on where are you coming from.

In life I still believe that there is nothing such as a right or wrong answer or decision or anything. Even in the science world 1 + 1 = 2 can be wrong when someone can prove that it is wrong. So there is no definite answer to anything, only is that answer of yours really yours? As in do you think its right? Do you feel its right? Do you want it that way that contributes to the right or wrong.

Just another emo night from

Monday, February 22, 2010

culture night was nt bad after all :)

I believe the culture night was one of those nights that after you graduate, you will still remember about it. It was really fun!! had dance then sing a song for the audience. What was fun to me is not the performing, but the time back stage where everyone is helping out one and other. Helping to do your hair, helping to do make up, that feeling is so nice and warm.

You know its those feelings that you feel you are wanted. And once you are out on the stage everyone is looking at you as well, finally those feelings are coming back to me :)

Actually I'm those people that cant really expressed themselves well. I don't really tell people how I feel and I cant tell people how I feel. I will always bottle it up all inside, but today I realized that I am still needed and still have a purpose in this mother earth.