Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Well today is sunday... and i feel so relaxed at my home with my air-con on now... Nv did i imagine that i wld post such a 2pid blog, but ya i am posting it now.

Actually the reason y i am posting is caused i reali like the feeling of slacking in my room!! Its been 2 mths? since i reali had such a nice rest time!! LOL!! and all thanks to no one but myself. I've been promising ppl to mit up, that i actually had no time for myself to just slp. For the past 2 mths i had been onli slping 6 hrs a day, and i am so tired that i always slp on the bus or MRT. Think is reali time for me to sit down n think thru wat i reali wan to do, and not keep messing things up.

As wat i always says... I onli wan to be a normal person, living a normal life. Life is nv better then a normal one :)