Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, June 13, 2010

happy and wishes you all the best :)!!!

Just chat with past tutor, and she said that is going to be a mummy SOON!! haha really feel so happy for her now. I still could recall last year she kept telling me that she is getting old, and no one wants her. Guess what, she is now married and going to have a baby soon. Really feels that life is really so mystical, so blur, yet exciting.

Its like if I haven't msg her, I would not know that she is pregnant. Suddenly, I felt that our life is all a piece of black tainted paper. Where we have to use all our strength and curiousity to wipe the black tainted paper into a clear white paper for us to see whats the real meaning of life we wants and we are in.

Still feel so weird, last time when my tutor comes to my place, we would like go shopping after my lessons. I still remember once a security in my condo asked, "is she your girlfriend". Haha, and now she is married and a new born baby is on the way. Life is really a dazzle star, never fail to capture your attention amoung the dark blue sky...