Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Should or should we not try?

Should we try to get what we want in life? Somethings I feel that we all should try to our best ability, try to a point where we will never and ever regret it in our life. Sounds positive? Sounds motivated?

I love looking at the stars, I wish that I could reach out and touch the stars, I wish to grab the stars that I look every night into my own hands. But should I try to reach out for it every night? Should I try to grab it every time I look at it?

All of you knows that it is impossible for me to do it, but should I not try it cause its impossible?

People says I am very arrogant, i think its confident. What I believe in, I would not doubt it. What I want will fight for it. Just like reaching out for the stars, I have tried and fail.

The worst thing about failure, is not that you have failed. But the way people do not appreciate your acts, and even think that your act is simply an act of plain selfishness. Even though your act is means good to them.

So should we keep trying to do the impossible? Should we try so hard to do what others thinks that you are not? Should we spent so much time, on things that you know you will never get it?