Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Things tt i wanted

it is so funni that some times when u reali look back at it u will find it amusing, i still remember in the past where i reali love or like this gal i would give in every single thing i hv juz for her. but lookin at it now, is kind of sweet but yet native of me.

To mi, i no longer wish to hv all the things tt i used to dream abt. insteat i even dislike some of it, so some times i would gv a serious tot abt it, y there is things tt i fought so hard for and yet dislike it? kind of contradict rite!! but the purpose or the reason y i am writtin all these is to make sure tt i will not spent so much time on such things, and most importantly tt i will not get hurt by all these 2pid things tt i fought so hard for. it seems like i am actually diggin a hole for mi to jump into it!! i am simply so 2pid n so native