Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

so times, life is so funni...

i was lookin at my previous blogs, n guess wat, i alreadi think i was so ugly in the past!! i mean its onli 2 mths n now i think i look much better!! lol maybe is "i think" tts y. LOL!! well, recently i think i hv been fallin in love, fallin in love wif myself! keke... everytime i look into the mirror i wld tok to myself " WOW u hv changed into a better lookin person" but guess wat, i reali wish i can change into a better person as in the whole person. No matter is it in the mind set, behavior or within my inner soul, as long i can be a better person i will try n do it.

Reason? becuase i noe tt this world is a world where mother nature takes its role. Meanin its the survival of the fittest!! so i hv to prepare myself for the future, who noes wat will come to me? so i hv to prepare to be a better person so tt i can handle myself thru all sort of matters. no matter is it relationship, work or even studies.

Maybe is due to my failure in the past tt i reali hv this mind set of "I MUST NOT FAIL THE NEXT TIME" so inorder to meet tt kind of standard tt i wan i must learn and I MUST