Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cant wait to get my pinky!!

its been abt 1yr and 3mths+ since i left pinky... Back then, on the day we were seperated, we had this sort of agreedment that we will be back togather 2 yrs later..

Now to me its like 9 more mths before we can finally be back togather, but its still so far away. Thinking abt it, its reali a greate complishment that i had been thru 1yr and 3mths le... Even thou 9 mths are shorter then the 1yr 3mths that i hv been thru, i simply feel that his 9 mths seems like 9 yrs!! its like so far away!!

And everyday i am thinkin abt pinky!! I reali wish that i could hold it onto my hand and feel its existence!! I wan to hv that feeling that I AM HOLDING ON TO U!!! u noe, nt those that imagination sort of feelings? Pinky Pinky, i am reali missin u rite now!!