Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, January 12, 2008

packed packed packed!!

Well, its been the 2nd week of 2008, and seriosuly i am half dead!! My schedule is so freaking packed!!

Aft work go drive, if nt go settle my bills, if nt go settle my computer issues? And the worst is there is more and more stupid things being thrown to me by some angry fuckers!! Who gets more pay, and do lesser then me. My life is reali damn pissed off rite at the moment.

My driving sux, as i am too tired and i still get reprimanted coz i am tired?

My life is also kind of confussing thou. I used to know what i wan and dun reali mind ppl's view and opinion. But it seems that there are certain ppl's view that will reali affect me rite now.i am reali confussed abt that sort of feeling. Is like i have been myself for years and suddenly contradicing ideas had suddenly been erupt arnd me. And this bombardment of conflicts is reali too much to handle. I feel like i am changing, and i dun feel gd abt it.

Not that i am stating changing is bad, but in terms of actions and normal behavior i will have this devil and angel thoughts or argument within me. I feel so indecisive rite now, and hv no idea wat i am reali doin at the moment!!

Time will help i guess. But i reali wish that i can get back that self control over myself sooner or later...