Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Does faith show us our paths?

Sometimes i reali wonder does faith reali show us our paths?

Welcome to Beijiing:
Guess i no nid to futhur explain it i guess, is faith telling me to stop my course? Is faith telling me that this is not meant for me? I hv no ans but to follow the singapore system faith, r u showing me some other signs?

Ulcer at this moment:
I woke up this mornning feeling some pain in my throat, and when i see the mirrow, i saw some white spot on my throat. ITS AN ULCER!! Guess i am not faithed to go into the next rnd of my "be a star". The contest is on the coming tue, and rite now i hv this ulcer GROWING on my throat. LOL worst of all, mr smart alex me pick a high key song. FAITH is reali aginst me rite now i guess. Or shld i follow wat faith is telling me? and juz walk over my day??

SMS received:
Receive 1 sms to change location for my contest. Shld i change the idea of going for it too? Faith is indeed telling me something i guess. Its all up to me or faith now. The battle had began...