Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, July 28, 2008

day 4 without greeny

Mon Nite, warm

Saw xuan's comment that i shld not look back at those days with greeny and carry on my life as a new chapter. U noe sometimes when u life wif something for so long tt u juz cant help thinking back?

LOL!!! sry, i nid to be sentimental ya. It has been the 4th day, and only then did i receive my offical life(MY PINKY!) to start things fresh. Looking back at those days, its like been living in a well. A well that had kept me from the outside world, a world tt i feel it belongs to me but yet being taken away from me forcefully. Althou i will miss the well once a while, but i think i will spent most of the time cursing and swearing at the biggest fami"LY" here in my country. coz i simply dislike their way of taking care things in this famiLY here.