Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The rose..

Its 3.25pm and tml is my ORD date!! Feeling so happi rite now.

But i juz visited someones blog, and i heard the long lost song that i had missed for ages, Its "the rose" I hv no idea y, but that song juz brings my feeling back to emo state. And no idea y i also think of evelyn, sitting there by the com, surfing till mornin, waking up late, din go to sch, ect...

Someone may say love is a river, is a razor, is a hunger, is a flower. No matter what it is, is not physical that can hurt an iron teeth?

River moves on, Razor cuts thru obsticals, hunger is nv empty and flower always blossom the next morning. Hope love is reali like all of them, blossom every single morning :)